
Working at Village Home

Village Home Education Resource Center is seeking independent instructors to teach classes and Member activities for children ages 3 through 18, and adult classes too.

To submit a proposal, click here.


Most classes are offered in a three-term series, beginning in the Fall. Each term is 10 weeks long. We usually add a handful of one-term offerings in the Winter and Spring. Classes are generally held on Tuesday-Friday between the hours of 9:30 am and 4:00 pm., at a time that is convenient for the instructor. Most classes meet once a week for one hour.

Classes and Member Activities

Village Home offers classes and activities in these areas:

  • Art
  • Computers and Technology
  • Drama
  • History
  • Language Arts
  • Math
  • Music
  • PE and Dance
  • Science
  • Foreign Language
  • Social Studies and Geography

Inter-disciplinary and project-oriented classes and activities are very popular. Some examples of inter-disciplinary classes in the past have been Literature Seminars such as "Harry Potter" or "Lord of the Rings" that bring science, art, drama, language arts, and history into the classroom around a common theme. "Math Artistry", which weaves geometry and other math disciplines into visual arts, is another popular course.

Classes are small, with an average of 10 students per class, of varying ages. Most classes have a maximum of 15 students. Parents are welcome in the class anytime, and often siblings are in classes together.

Classes are taught by paid instructors, and students pay a tuition fee to attend. Member Activities are offered at no charge to member families, and are led by facilitators who work for tuition credit. While some Member Activities are as comprehensive and rigorous as classes, often the atmosphere is more casual and participants are encouraged to share leadership in the class. There are two types of Member Activity: Drop-In or Register.

Instructor/Facilitator Qualifications

We seek instructors and facilitators who use innovative, hands-on, multisensory methods in their instruction. Our teachers tend to be wildly enthusiastic about their subject matter. We do not require teaching certification; rather, we are looking for teachers who inspire learners and who work well with a variety of learning styles. We value experience directly related to the subject matter, as well as to teaching in general. Qualifications include:

  • Sincerely passionate about subject matter
  • Self-driven and independent
  • Able to develop own curriculum
  • Employing multi-sensory, hands-on methods of teaching
  • Flexible: able to work with a variety of ages and needs within a group
  • Able to work closely with students and parents to ensure that individual needs are met.

Submitting a Proposal

When you submit a class proposal, you will be asked for information to help us make a decision as to whether your offering will fit into our program, and also to describe your class in such a way as to encourage families to sign up for it. Our Program Committee will review all offerings, and select proposals for follow-up. If your class is chosen for follow-up, we will invite you for an in-depth interview with members of the Program Committee. If you have any questions about the proposal process, or the Village Home program, please contact

Submit a course or activity proposal.


nstructors are paid per class unit (usually defined as a one-hour class session) on a scale from $25 - 35 per class unit. Most new instructors start at $25 per unit. Village Home does not pay for prep time or travel time. Payroll is run monthly. During the first year with Village Home, your classroom performance will be reviewed, and if the Village Home learning environment has proven to be a wonderful match for your instructional style, hourly wages will be increased. Pay increases are determined by (1) enrollment (2) retention between terms (3) evaluation feedback from parents (4) evaluation feedback from students (4) knowledge and skills (5) direct observation and (6) experience. Payroll is processed monthly.

When You Are Hired

All instructors and faciliators have a current background check on file. You are required to submit a syllabus (brief description of lesson-by-lesson activities) prior to the beginning of each term. Participation in annual events and open houses are voluntary, but strongly encouraged. Prior to the beginning of the Fall term, we host a complimentary training day that is unpaid, and attendance is strongly encouraged. Upon your hire date, you will receive an employee handbook with Village Home policy and procedures.